Be a Better Being Foundation
The mission of Better Beings is to help people be better human beings—physically, mentally and emotionally. For over 25 years, I’ve been able to reach thousands of individuals, sharing my thoughts and ideas, as well as the strategies I found useful on my own journey.
While I have grown confident in my skin, I clearly recall the challenges I faced as a young person trying to do life. As I work with the adults of my generation and those behind me, I see everything is different, but not much has changed. Parents are juggling the demands of life and often struggle to guide their children. Meanwhile, kids are being kids, doing kid things.
When it comes to understanding and appreciating what a human needs and how it operates, there appears to be lack of education. I have often wondered how much easier the journey could be with solid information earlier on, and a few additional tools to use when needed.
To live in alignment with my commitment to #beabetterbeing, I want to play a role in shaping today’s young people. I started dipping my toes into these waters a few years ago, distributing all the contributions to participate in my virtual vision board workshop to various youth-related organizations. In those 2 years we passed out over $5000 of funds.
Not bad for simply asking people to come to a virtual workshop and contribute whatever they were willing or able.
And yet, I know it could be SO MUCH MORE.
I am excited to announce the official launch of the Be a Better Being Foundation. The future is being built today. This foundation hopes to be a catalyst in a YOUth Revolution, empowering those who will be IN charge tomorrow to TAKE charge of their health now.
This 501c3 nonprofit is designed to support the efforts of individuals or organizations working to enhance the wellbeing of young people. By offering educational services and materials, as well as direct funding, I know we can fill the information gap and build that bridge between knowing and doing, to allow young people to develop skills, create habits and bolster confidence to grow into healthy, happy, helpful humans.
I did not and will not do this alone. HUGE thanks to the inaugural board members; Mandy, Michelle, Sasha, & Tarena, for each of you to have said YES to jumping into this pool with me is truly special. Leilani for working with me on the logo and social media account creation. Tahverlee always grateful for you --your wisdom and encouragement are everything. And Nicolle, how lucky I am to have you as the captain of my cheer squad.
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and improve conditions. Your generous donation will fund our mission.
Better Beings
Denver, Colorado USA
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