I'm so glad you are taking the steps to a better being, YOU! The genesis of YOU Revolution YOUniversity is rooted in my work with employee wellness programming. In 2014 I was asked to create a robust, lifestyle enhancement program for employees of Denver Public Schools. As I reflected upon my own journey to live a healthier, happier life, I recognized the need for a thorough and holistic approach, and so began the YOU Revolution. This is a 10-week program addressing all aspects of physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. Near the completion with the class of 2017, one of the participants suggested I write this all in a book, and in May of 2019 I released the YOU Revolution; the Journey of a Better Being. Sharing my knowledge, as well as my own personal story, was yet another avenue to reach more people seeking to learn and evolve.
YOU Revolution YOUniversity is the final piece, to truly offer anyone, anywhere, the information and inspiration to move forward in the journey of life. This school allows you to choose the courses best suited to achieve the healthiest, happiest version of YOU possible. Regardless of where you are currently, I believe there is something here for anyone who desires to be a better being.
In health and happiness,
Founder of Better Beings
Creator of the YOU Revolution and YOU Revolution YOUniversity
This is a small sample of some of the most popular courses inside YOU Revolution YOUniversity- make sure to check out the full catalog of online courses.
This four-module course will lay the foundation to help you achieve permanent weight loss. We start out with The Truth About Weight Loss, straight talk about exactly what it takes to achieve long lasting results. After a deep dive into Nutrition for Weight Loss and Exercise for Weight Loss in modules two and three, the course concludes with a conversation on hormones. Yes, Holy Hormones! They truly rule your world. By the end of the course you will have all of the information necessary to set yourself up to achieve long lasting results.
Here is a must-take course for anyone who has struggled with how to make healthy eating a lifestyle habit. The first module, Nutrition in a Nutshell, is literally that! Highlighted are the key factors necessary to embrace and understand in order to fuel your busy body appropriately. Module two, Are You Feeding Your Feelings?, takes a closer look at emotional and habitual eating. Rounding out the course is Eat These Foods, a module spotlighting some of the most powerful nutrient-dense foods that you could be incorporating into your healthy habits. This basic nutrition course will provide enough information for you to truly start embracing healthy eating as a lifestyle.
If you find that stress gets the best of you, this three-module course is just what you need! You will begin by learning to Balance Your Act, a module involving a number of worksheets and writing activities to create awareness and evaluate how you are spending your resources. To develop a full appreciation for just how disastrous chronic stress is to your wellbeing, module two, Stress and Your Health, details what the stress-response all entails and the possible short and long-term consequences. This course wraps up with Create Your Calm; Practices for a More Peaceful Life. You cannot always control what comes your way, but how you respond IS your choice. This module highlights tips and proven practices for calming the mid and redirecting thoughts. By the end of the course, you will have the tools necessary to truly Stress Less!
Courses will be added throughout the year. You can proceed a la carte, creating your curriculum as you see fit, or take advantage of the Lifetime Better Being option with access to all current and future content
Better Beings
Denver, Colorado USA